New Years Resolutions

Hey everyone, I was wondering what to write for this weeks post and it suddenly dawned on me that I haven’t shared my New Years resolutions yet and it’s nearly February (kinda)! So here they are, I’ve got quite a few as I did last year as I like to set myself lots of goals!

1. Push myself out of my comfort zone.

I’ve got lots of things booked already for this year that are out of my comfort zone, like going skiing and to Uganda for two weeks etc.

2. Read at least two books a month

I love to read but I never have much time so that’s what I’m focusing on this year!

3. Fundraiser at least Β£1500 for my trip to Uganda.

4. Get my YouTube channel going

5. Keep this blog going!

6. Get off my electronics and studyyyy

7. Do some charity work

8. Start being more body confident

I really need and want to do thisssss

9. Become an organ donor/ donate blood

I’ve wanted to do this for years but have never actually done it so why not try this year?

10. Try out lots of revision techniques as possible.

Im going to be studying a lot this year so I want to vary my techniques and so far I’ve been enjoying trying different methods out.

So they’re my goals, we’re well into January now and I seem to be keeping up with them, let me know how you’re getting on with your resolutions if you have any and thanks for reading!

Tamsin xx


8 thoughts on “New Years Resolutions

  1. Ellie says:

    Aw, I really love reading all of your resolutions and I wish you all the best with them! Your blog theme is so cute and I love it! πŸ’• I look forward to reading more posts *presses follow* 😘
    Ellie xoxo 🌴

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